Read Count : 146
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
This world can be a bitter place. Fighting eachother, Giving power trips Trying to control how others think. Trying to change what others believe in. Thats what kind of bullshit we humans have come up with. It sad but its what happening. People are so weak minded they think that if you cant beat them, You join them. And honestly i feel thats some weak ass shit. But there i go maken judgement. Another persons opinions is none of your business ITS your own opinion that should make you think different. Stand up for your beliefs, Stand behind what you believe is right from wrong . Cause at least it was your choice that you made that move on. Fuck how the next person lives Be the leader the world needs one Because following others you start to move wrong. You start going against what you came up from. The way you was raised didnt make the choices of who you are today. You had the chance of change, To be different and lead your own ways. So Choose how you live life And the type of mentality you carry inside cause how you think of your self is really what matters, Cause in the end your self image is what could make yoyr strong or start to break inside face it your the only one you have to be around everyday. You have no choice you have to stand alone by your own side till life says times up. so be your own bestfriend and youll be the only one who has the ability to make your future a better one.