My Lovely Daughter Marie 😘 Read Count : 150

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
My princess my love 
Your growing so old 
I could just hold you in one hand 
Now your a big girl 
Time has flew but I wouldn’t change a thing 
No matter what happens our bond will remain 
Your smart and silly 
Crazy but sane 
Your smile lights up my world that’s all I can say
Your finally three where has the time went 
I cherish each moment and the time we have spent 
My world, my first born, my only daughter 
You will grow into a queen like a beautiful flower
I shower you with love and as much as I can offer 
But it’s just my love you want and that is so awesome 
Happy Birthday princess it’s all about you 
Let’s live it up and eat lots of junk food
Let’s open your presents and play all day 
Let’s be silly like we usually are like it’s no different day 
The point I’m making is I’m proud to be your mom
Can’t wait to hug you tight and hold you in my arms. ♥️🤞


  • beautiful

    Apr 27, 2018

  • Apr 27, 2018

  • Apr 27, 2018

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