Transparent Objects Read Count : 68

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Snap-Malusi was shown on the news,
Planning on removing the name Snap.
It was all in his book of rules,
That a name is after a creation step.
He talked about it with the news dude;
Was told to create again to name himself.

He went out for a walk,
Stepped on an old apple by mistake. 
He looked at it as if it was a stalk;
The apple was silent - rather contemplate.
He asked it why it was not decomposed;
And the apple referred to itself as stout.
The apple had brains; he felt not opposed,
As he befriended it without a doubt.

The apple took him to 'Weird Fruit-land'
To find more paranormal fruits.
All these fruits did not want a friend,
But liked Malusi as a troop.

All these fruits were smart;
And they helped Malusi to create.
No one considered wrong nor right;
And they built an island state.
Malusi named the island "Apple",
As he wanted to show he was grateful.
Enjoyed each's company then dismantle;
Malusi in his lane to find what's dareful.

Malusi came with an idea to create
A transparent object.
He thought of a television to relate
It as his creation subject. 
Everything or anything you'd watch,
You'd be able to touch.
Others did not know and others did know
That oceans in TV would go through(flow).
People enjoyed his creation very much,
Without problems to make him smutch.

He then quickly went back to the news;
And renounced his name as "Malusi MD";
In which it meant the Managing Director;
Believing he'd get more - creator's degree.
He enjoyed creating for thee,
Knowing that happiness is made real.

He went to live in Apple;
Added some ingredients to the island.
Ingredients making it transparent.
He lived there in peace,
Knowing the creative activity will repeat.

"From Snap-Malusi to Malusi MD;
Success is sometimes free and made,
Now I'm sure you dig.
One just takes action before one craves"


  • Apr 26, 2018

  • really great ..

    Apr 26, 2018

  • Apr 27, 2018

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