Mountains Peak
Read Count : 123
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Thriller
This is one of my very first completed stories. I wrote it back in grade nine as an assignment, so please try to surpass the mistakes and enjoy. “Rumor has it that ten years ago, on this very day a group of teenage friends gathered on this exact mountain, not knowing what was living within the woods. The friends thought of the place as nothing but somewhere to stay and it had been said that they were all murdered in the Chapman mansion just 5 miles from here,” insisted Scott trying to scare his friends. “We’re supposed to believe that? It’s all fake.” replied Ariana with great retort. “Maybe it’s true, maybe it’s not, we’ll never know,” countered Kate. “Whether it’s true or not, it's all irrelevant, we still have to find the others and get to shelter,” exclaimed Brian with no interest in the conversation. The four friends ventured on looking for the others, searching the mountain for somewhere to sleep off the blizzard. They searched for a lengthy three hours and found nothing. Brian slowly began to worry about his friends, keeping in mind the rumor that Scott had mentioned not long ago. “We have searched for several hours and we haven’t found a thing, we should just get to shelter so we don’t freeze to death,” uttered Ariana. “We can’t stop looking, they wouldn’t stop looking for us,” shouted Scott with great disgust in his friends. “Maybe Ariana is right Scott, we’ve searched for hours on end and not a single clue has been found. It’s starting to get really cold and we need to find shelter before dark or we will definitely freeze,” stated Brian. “Well, we can’t just give up on the others, we need to find them before THEY freeze to death, I can’t believe you wanna stop looking, ” expressed kate disappointed in Brian and Ariana. After minutes of arguing about what they should do, The four friends calmed themselves down and decided to split up. Brian and Ariana went to find shelter meanwhile Scott and Kate went to search for the others. “Scott and Kate are going to freeze to death, I hope they make it,” disclosed Ariana. “I want them to make it too, but the odds aren’t in their favour,” said Brian. “I know, but I can’t bare the fact that they might die,” Ariana replied. “I know this is off topic, but is that the Chapman mansion” asked Brian. “It’s gotta be, it’s the biggest house on this entire mountain,” said Ariana looking astonished. “Let’s go check it out,” urged Brian. Brian and Ariana lurked towards the mansion meanwhile Scott and Kate were still searching for their lost friends. As the night grew cold Scott and Kate made next to no progress and started losing faith and hope.”I don’t think we're going to find anything Scott,” confessed Kate. “Maybe not, but we have to keep searching or at least keep moving,” acknowledging the situation. “We should have just went with Brian and Ariana, that way we wouldn’t be in this mess,” admit Kate. “OK I GET IT, all this was pointless. It was all just a waste of our time, energy, faith and hope, let’s just focus on finding Brian and Ariana,” said Scott with a furious tone. As Scott and Ariana retraced their steps, they noticed a suspicious sparkle off in the distance. they trudged through the huge banks of snow, making their way toward the distant object. Minutes passed and they had finally reached the object. “It’s a necklace of some sort, with a golden heart on it,” said Brian. “That’s not just a necklace, it’s a locket. Open it, there might be something to help us find the others,” replied Kate with the desire to be correct. “It’s opened, no way. This locket belongs to Hanna, she must have been through here, proclaimed Scott. “Scott, behind you. I see footprints, they could be hanna’s,” said Kate. “I don’t know if these belong to Hanna, but I think we should follow them anyway, just to make sure,” suggested Scott. “Alright, let’s get moving before it gets too cold.” said Kate. Back at the Chapman mansion Brian and Ariana approached the door with great caution, not knowing what to expect. They knocked on the door and waited, but nothing happened. They tried once more, but this time one of the lights inside the house turned on. “Hide, someone is inside,” whispered Ariana. “Be very quiet, and move slowly,” said Brian. “The door opened,” exclaimed Ariana. “I know, but I can’t see who’s in the doorway,” said Brian “Hello, is anybody there? Hello?” called out a the woman in the doorway. “Who is that?” Asked Brian “That sounds like hanna” whispered Ariana. “Hanna? Is that you?” Asked Brian “Brian? Oh my god Brian is that you?” Replied Hanna “Yeah, it’s me and Ariana is here too. we’ve been looking for you,” said Brian. “Where is Scott and Kate?” Asked Hanna. “They went looking for you elsewhere, I don’t even know if they’re still alive,” said Brian. “Did you hear that, something is in the bushes.” Said Ariana. “It’s nearly night, we should head inside,” suggested Hanna As the three turned to head inside the mansion, they heard footsteps coming from the woods. Not knowing what was heading right towards them, Ariana, Brian and Hanna rushed inside and slammed the door shut behind them. All three struck with curiosity, each looked out a window into the darkness of the night. Moments later they seen Scott and Kate walking towards the door of the mansion. “Scott? Kate? How did you find us?” asked Ariana “To be honest, we didn’t know that we were finding you, we thought we were finding Hanna,” said Kate. “We found Hanna’s locket and some footprints that lead us here,” explained Scott. “Thank-you so much for finding my locket, but we really shouldn’t be so close to the door,” said Hanna. Just as they headed towards the middle of the room, they heard a terrifying shriek coming from the woods. Moments later there was a knock on the door, followed by an immediate “Let me in, quickly”. Scott slowly moved to open the door, but as he placed his hand on the door handle, it busted open and a strange man with a scar across his right eye barged in. Not knowing what to do, Hanna, Arianna and Kate ran upstairs, leaving Scott near the door with the strange man. “Please don’t kill me, I’ll do anything,” Cried Scott. “My name is Arthur and i’m not here to kill you, i’m here to help you live. You and your friends don’t know what you’ve gotten yourselves into, and now it’s too late to leave,” said Arthur. “What do you mean it’s too late?” Asked Scott. “Were not the only species on this mountain, the Wendigo claimed this as their territory hundreds of years ago,” explained Arthur. “The wendigo?” Asked Scott “Many years ago Scientists were studying the effects of feeding humans nothing but human flesh, the results were bad. The Wendigo is like a superhuman, has impenetrable skin, it can jump further than any other living thing on this planet. It has enhanced hearing but poor eyesight. There is no way to escape, we have to wait until daybreak,” explained Arthur. “Why daybreak, wouldn’t they still be here, ready to kill?” Asked Scott “The Wendigo only hunt at night, in the morning they go back to their dens,” said Arthur. “How do we kill them, if needed?” Asked Scott. “You burn off their skin and that's when they’re vulnerable,” said Arthur. “What should we do for now?” Asked Scott. "Sleep, you'll need your rest” Said Arthur. As the group of teens drifted asleep the beastly Wendigo made way to the Chapman mansion, looking for its dinner. The teens were unaware of what was going on in the woods that surround the mansion. The Wendigo, covering a vast amount of distance in seconds, made it to the mansion. Ready to feast the Wendigo scaled the mansion walls and found itself at the window, where the teens were all asleep. Eager to taste the flesh of the teens the Wendigo lunged itself through the window and seized Ariana, clutching her leg with his inhuman grip. Panic arose amongst the teens, Kate, Scott, Hanna and Arthur started sprinting for the next room, but Brian tried to save Ariana. “hold on Ariana, i’m coming;” wailed Brian . “Brian, it’s too late to save her, your only gonna get both of you killed,” Explained Scott. “It’s not too late, she can be saved,” replied Brian. “We have to leave him and get to the next room, before the Wendigo comes after us,”said Arthur. Out of fear the teens left both their friends behind with the Wendigo and made way to the next room. Brian Scanned the room for a weapon to fight off the Wendigo, but all he could see was a fire extinguisher. Brian ran to the fire extinguisher and picked it up of it’s stand, he then smashed it off the Wendigo’s head. The Wendigo stopped attacking Ariana and started going after Brian. Ariana was finally free of the Wendigo’s grip and immediately ran to the room where the others were hidden. “Kate? Scott? Hanna? Is anyone in here?” asked Ariana. “Be quiet, the Wendigo, can hear you,” said Scott. “Where’s Brian?” Asked Kate. “I left him in the other room, I panicked and ran,” said Ariana. “He’s already dead, there's no going back,” said Arthur. “How do you know, wouldn’t we have heard him scream?” Asked Kate As Arthur started to answer, he was interrupted by the wretched screams of Brian. Sorrow and pity was bestowed upon everyone.”What is it doing to him?” Asked Scott. “When the Wendigo feasts upon a human, it doesn’t just eat. It goes through phases,” explained Arthur “What phases?” Asked Kate. “They’re pretty terrible, in the first phase the Wendigo blinds it’s dinner with acidic saliva, then goes on to strip long pieces of it’s skin while it’s still alive,” explained Arthur. “What is phase two?” Asked Scott? Before Arthur could answer a second Wendigo burst through the window and sliced him in two, leaving the teens without any help. In the midst of the panic, they could only think one thing, getting to the next room. ”Hurry, to the next room,” Yelled Scott. “We know, we’re already going,” said Ariana. Scott locked the door as he exited leaving the Wendigos inside, but as Scott hurried to the next room, more Wendigo poured in through the front door. "Shit, there’s so many of them, we’re not going to make it,” said Scott. “Where’s Hanna?” Asked Kate. “Hanna, we must have left her in the other room. We have to go and get her,” said Ariana. “We can’t there are too many of them,” said Scott. “Too bad we can’t kill a couple,” suggested Kate. ‘Wait, i think i know a way that we can, but there’s a problem,” said Scott. “Tell us Scott, we need to know,” said Arianna. “Ok, the Wendigo are vulnerable to fire, if we can get to a light bulb-” Scott was interrupted. “We could set a fire, that’s a great idea,” said Kate. “But there is at least ten Wendigo outside this door, we wouldn’t even make it to the light bulb and not only that,” Scott paused. “What is it Scott, you need to tell us or we’re all going to die,” said Ariana. “Somebody is going to have to stay behind and turn the power on to light the fire, but whoever stays behind will certainly die,” explained Scott. “It’s a good idea, but we can’t afford anymore deaths,” said Kate. “I’ll do it,” said Scott. “What, nobody is going to do it. There has been too many deaths already and i’m not letting you basically commit suicide,” said Kate. “We have no choice, i’ll stay behind and light the fire, you two just keep running,” Scott demanded. “We don’t have a choice do we?” Asked Ariana. “No you don’t, you’re going to keep running and you’re not going to look back,” said Scott. “It’s almost morning, we can wait it out,” said Ariana. “No, the Wendigo will get to us before then, this is the only way to get you out of here alive,” said Scott. “Scott, you don’t have to do this,” said Kate. “Yes I do,” said Scott. Scott, Ariana and Kate got ready to attempt the impossible, each of them fearing death. They counted down from three and burst through the door, Ariana and Kate heading for the front door and Scott heading for the light bulb. Scott reached the light bulb and unscrewed it as fast as he could, meanwhile his friends were sprinting for their lives, reaching out to achieve survival. As Ariana and Kate were just about to exit, Ariana tripped over a table leg. The Wendigo, already chasing them grasped her leg and pitched her halfway across the room into a wall. Kate stopped and screamed for Ariana, but all she was able to see inside the house was the Wendigo dashing towards her and scott up the stairs at the light switch awaiting his death. Kate resumed running, leaving Ariana and Scott in the house to die. Scott still at the light switch counted down from ten, and flipped on the power, causing the gas that the light bulb released to set on fire. The fire killed all the Wendigo that invaded the house and burnt them to a crisp. Kate looked back at the house to see it alight and started to cry, all her friends are dead and Scott, her secret boyfriend died to save her. Only minutes later a helicopter was hovering just above the Chapman mansion, Kate started to scream, hoping they would notice her. The helicopter slowly started to lower and eventually landed, four military men unloaded from the helicopter and went straight to Kate. The military men started asking her about who she was, why she was there and what happened. In only three hours she was back in her hometown of Toronto and was brought to the local news station the next day. “So Kate, what was is like spending the night at the so called haunted Chapman mansion?” Asked the reporter. “It was terrible,” said Kate. “Could you tell us a little about what happened? Asked the reporter. “It was supposed to be a fun night out on the mountain, but our car crashed and that’s when everything went sour. We thought only of the mountain as beautiful scenery, but it is much more than that,” said Kate. “Could you please elaborate just a little more, i don’t quite understand?” Asked the reporter. “The mountain is home to the Wendigo,: said kate. “The Wendigo?” Asked the reporter. “The Wendigo are human hybrids that feast of human flesh. They inhabit inhuman powers and are invulnerable to everything, but fire,” said Kate. “What type of Inhuman powers?” Asked the reporter. “They have an advanced sense of smell, they can track you down from miles away just by using their nose. They can jump ten times further and higher than any human could ever jump. They have razor sharp claws capable of slicing a man in half,” explained Kate. “And all of this really happened?” Asked the reporter. “Of course it all happened,” exclaimed Kate. Kate was asked to be on multiple T.V talk shows and her story slowly spread amongst the people, warning them about the beasts which inhabit the mountain. Kate’s story soon began to spread worldwide and the story of “The Girl Who Survived” was the most featured headline of the decade.