Read Count : 111
Category : Poems
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It's so hard to say I'm sorry when you're so so far away from me and I can't see you Distance has come between us and I have no way of knowing where you are or are you ever coming back I know for you to come back is looking back on the hurt that you bare in your heart that you left behind When I could not make up my mind to be a boy or be a man and take responsibility for my actions I know now that action speak louder than words and all I fed you was waisted words with no meaning in return You gave your all and all and all I did was took without giving back including your unconditionally love that I took for granted and can't get back Now that I lost you my heart will never be the same and I'm so ashamed for taking my girl for granted I've must have insane You are one of a kind and you're always on my mind from the first time I layed eyes on you I knew that I wanted to be with you for a lifetime I'm not a man of many words but in this case it's not my words that I trace on paper but the emptiness in my heart that comes with them that can't be replaced after losing you My heart wants so very badly to say I'm so sorry for causing you and your heart any hurting pain If I can change the time back I will give you the answer asked and become the man I should have been when I had you in my hands Now it's so hard to say those words I long to say after waking up without you lying next to me in the middle of the night The boy once was is no more a man a real man I am for you this I had to do I had to wake up and smell the coffee in the morning without you right than and there my mind spoke out loudly finally I realized the difference between a man and a boy is A man love's the smell of coffee first thing in the morning and a boy love's the smell of hot chocolate first thing in the morning I know now what I must do I have to find my girl and tell her how sorry I am and for once in my life I know what it is to be a man It took losing you my girl my world to realize how sorry I am and I want to be the man you want me to be to keep you happy and free By, Larry Perry, Sr. 05/07/2018
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