Morrowseer The Land Of Mystery Pt. 2
Read Count : 133
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
Scrolls say that after thousands of years the war shall end. After tears are shed and towns raided the war shall end. Three dragons will come to save us all. When the dragons come they'll let out a call. Nine queens and kings shall burn on die while one shall learn the meaning of life. "Better take notes, it'll be on the test tomorrow" Astro said. "Why does Mrs. Ed make us learn all about this anyway... It not like it happening in a couple months" Groaned Fireball. "There's still like sixty-seven years left" He added. "Hey.. we never know. It could be happening early" Replyed Astro. "Besides it's not like I made the test." "I know... I just don't see what's the big deal about it." Said fireball. "I mean, we've been studying this for weeks now." "I know..." said Astro The Next Day Miss. Ed walked around the classroom bumping into tables, picking up homework papers, and slipping signed sheats of graded exams onto tables. I looked at nearby tables, and saw so many papers with the letters A+, A or B on them. Everyone thought this class was so easy... I was the complete opposite. Miss. Ed laid a piece of paper on my desk with the letter F on it. With a note on the side saying... "You can do better Fireball." With a sad face written next to it in red ball point pen. I quickly covered up my grade with my talons, and put a smile on my face. Acting like I was proud of my grade. I hoped no one saw the grade I made.
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