Little Rocky By Horror Flim Part 1
Read Count : 131
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
(WARNING THIS MIGHT NOT BE FOR CHILDREN IF YOU DONT LIKE DEAD BODYS OR BLOOD OR CANABLISM PLEASE LEAVE) Little Rocky By horror flim part1 One day. rockys parents rushed to the hospital rocky was born that day so deformed her parents almosted hated her sadly they couldnt get surgery done for the baby she needs to be 12 to have a surgery rocky had one big red eye witch glows a big fist and one arm scratches like she was cut witch a knife from the inside she needs bandages. years past rockys 11 and a half now still haveing one eye witch glows when theres danger brown hair favoring a pony tail aways, still one arm and big fist the scratches were still bleeding she never wore clothes but bandanges always. she had a big chunk of her body cut off and healed over (almost) Rocky loved her parents but they avoided her like she was a muderer or a monster or something. one day she went in side her mother grabed her only arm and tuged her to the car "Dont say a THING to your father YOU BRAT... " "b-but mommy where are we---" "I SAID DONT SAY A THING YO---YOU... YOU IDIOTIC BEING NOW PUT YOUR SEAT BELT ON NOW YOU STUPIDLY BEING NON-PERSON" "oh...okay" once the seat belt was on rocks mom raced over bumps and pubbles, rocks eyes open"m-mommy?" She was cramed in the car safe but they crashed her moms body layed there like a rag doll. Blood covered the front of the car rock barly got out her cuts and scratches bleeded more and more she sat at a tree near the crash. Praying to live then suddenly a tall man wore a nice job suit as he walked slowly closer to rock (witch was asleep) had a whaite skin tone and no face"is she dead slendy?" "I dont think so jack she is breathing fine " "yo jack slendy looky here" "the person driveing is dead and biten?" "Cool a wolf is near by!" "Wolf man I dont think its a wolf it looks like human teeth" "gah... hm? GASP" "oh hello! Woof" "a-ahh! A-a wolf man! Sir... um AHH HELP MEE" "?... WOLF MAN STOP EATING HER, wait rock?" "You know her slendy?" "S-slender... you mean... the real slenderman??!!" "In the... uh flesh?" "AHHHHHHHHHHHH" "GASP SLENDY CMON!!" "b-but rocky..." "ma'am are you okay? WAIT A-AHHHHHHH" Rocky was so hungry she ate human then she pulled the body of her mom out of the car and ate that too "that was good" rocky sneak attacked slender biteing him "NOM NOM... oops sorry... um urmm" "my little... rocky why.... ..." WILL SLENDER ACCSEP ROCK, HOW DOES HE KNOW HER, WHAT IS WOLF MANS REAL NAME? see that in part2