The Strangers House Ps Based On Bad Dream Read Count : 112

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Adventure
THEN A old lady opens the door with a warm smile WELCOME CHILD she greeted me she hade a smirk on here face she looked like she was up to somthing she said do u want a cookie dear i looked at her she winked at me i said no im sorry i dont take things from strangers OH child nonsence she gave it to me i didit eat EAT it I sAID NO once again she slammed her hand on the table and got a gun i was twisting my hair thats what i always do i said i should be going she said i dont think so and she laughed i ran to the back door and realised she wasent real I screamed and i called my dog my dog didit come spark i called once again he was only little lady were is my dog her eyes turned pure dark like somthing was in her  i got a gun from the little shack of guns she keeped i shot her to times i stared to cry but she wasent real  whent looking for my dog that night i ran to the basement SPARk he was on the floor I cRYED u EVIL WICH what have u done spark move for me bud I layed next to himand it was time i let go i ran back home and ran to my room wait THIS ISENT A DREAM i cryed AHHH I told my mom was it a dream


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