Conditional Love Pt. 1
Read Count : 193
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Love is so Conditional these Days, that we Habitually become Enslaved, to how people Behave, and we no longer see the Evils, when we're Betrayed, common practice is looking the other Ways, subjecting ourselves to More of the Same. Its like a sequel and these people get more and more Depraved and Braze, zin, and we still ain't Afraid, The lines are so Grayed and Frayed, we shoulda been just cut the head off these Snakes, da moment they Crossed & Costed Us, a lil bit Pain. But i guess that's what love is all about, Loses & Gains. If you don't fix a leaky Faucet, eventually it'll cause yo Pockets to Drain, leading to Pockets of Pain, thats why i stay cleaning out my Closet, like slim Shade, cause to keep it Bottled is Wallow'n in Pain, it's only so much shit you could Swallow, until you unleash in a Vomitus Rage, if you dont Believe me, just turn on yo T.V. and See, its so Prominent in These Ominous Days. As we approach Rock Bottom, in the dead Autumn, and flowers begin to Blossom in Opposite. in the mist of all the Gossip, I sit at the lip of the Abyss over lookin' Gothem, I come up with, and Ponder this Synopsis, that Love, is no longer a Promise, its a Problem, cuz too many Options to Sway, people Plottin for ill-Gotten-Gains, Basking in Rob'n, in 31 flavors of illicit Behavor, illogocal Logic, & Conflict for small Profit, and momentary Gains. Makes me Nauseous to Thank, about the Problems Lil James'll Face, the epitome of innocent just one year past Eight. Its Clear i gotta prepare him for a world wind of Hate, but for now my priority is keep n him Safe, and allowing him to Thank, that EveryDay is Great, and Eveythang is Awesome, proceed n with Caution, trying to Soften each Blow, until he can take'em on his Own. The Goal, is to get him to carry his Load, without it Taking its Toll, baby steps, the Training is on, till that Tough Skin development is Honed. Our unconditional love is Strong so much so Even when I'm dead and Gone. Through him I'll live on. Now back to the relevance of this Poem Still no solution for the earlier Problem I Proposed, still sit n her Pondering in the Dead of autumn watch n precious flowers do da Opposite of Blossom Cause one Mac, done Rottened the Apple Batch, instead of Nurse n they Cabbage Patch, they out here aimlessly Search'n, Rehearse'n on da Track. and what comes from da Aftermath, a generation forced to Adapt in an Inhabital Habitat, and here we are right back at the beginning, with a slight twist for the ending Love is still no longer a Promise, its become'n a Problem Uncommon Goals & Resolutions, Trolling, with No Restitution, Controlling, Hope'n on the Execution of your Partners Will and Spirit, no wonder so many of us Still Fear It, and don't know how to Mirror It, when we're Giving It, In Its Purest of Forms. I'm not a Theorist just a Witness & a Victim of societal Experiments, turned Norms. The bible Warned of such Storms, but myself and so many Others still Remain So Uniformed. Where do we Seek Shelter from the Storm, when the opening of Arms, of the family from Which you were Born, looks at you with Nothing but Scorn, unless you got Something For'em. This is why love is so Foreign, instead of Ignore'n - em, we were Absorbent, and where we shoulda Aborted, we Stored It, so much Torment where Enjoyment, once Resided, so when we Feel It, we Hide It, sometimes Fight It, and Outright Deny It, or worse we Rationalize-It. I'll Give It, but only if he's Buy'n, the problem is no ones willing, if the other isn't Trying, and with Inflation, the value(s) is Steadily Decline'n, the Very Fabric of Passion and Compassion is Gradually Unwinding, and Havoc is Heavily Replacing the Lining... To be continued....