Morrowseer The Land Of Mysterys Pt. 1 Read Count : 80

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
Once, several years ago. When humans were becoming extinct. There was a land by the name of... Morrowseer. Where any thing was possible. There lived many creatures. More than your brain could amagine. But most importantly, there lived dragons. They are what this tale is about. There are hundreds of species of them. I simply cannot name them all. But you should know the basics. There are Waterlings, Nightlings, Mudlings, Icelings, Firelings, Airlings, Springlings,  and of course Worldlings. Worldlings are the most powerful dragons to live and are very rare. Tales say... If you are lucky enough to see one. You're blessed. What makes them so powerful is they can read minds, foretell one's future, and even teloport to near by places. Most of us dragons are fighting in the great war. Some of us are fighting for freedom while others are fightingto rule all.
Every group of dragons have Queens or kings. For example, all the dragons that have a winter power has a queen. Her name is Tima. She has scales as blue as the sky. With white scales speckled all over her body. She has small but sharp talons that could ripe you to pieces. And a very alluring smile. But she is very greedy. All earth based dragons has a king named Oni. He is very impatient. He has a red look in his eyes with different shades of brown and red all over his body. With giant sharp talons. 


  • very good

    May 07, 2018

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