Saturn Rap Read Count : 71

Category : Songs

Sub Category : Rap
     Yeah, you know me
I'm the sixth planet with the rings 
Second largest after Jupiter 
But I'm much more popular 
I've been orbiting for twenty nine years 
I got fifty three moons, those my peers 
I'm a Gas Giant, that's an outer planet 
I'm smooth, nothing hard granite 
     The Milky Way is my home 
Around the sun I roam 
See me in the sky at night 
You know I'm fly right?
890.7 million miles is my radius from the sun 
My journey in the solar system has already begun 
Yeah, you know me 
I'm Saturn, the planet with the rings 


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    May 05, 2018

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    May 05, 2018

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    May 07, 2018

  • Gianna Rullo

    Gianna Rullo


    May 08, 2018

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