The Bullies
Read Count : 119
Category : Books-Non-Fiction
Sub Category : Biography
I'm Mariah, and I'm in 4th grade. Ever since the beginning of the year, there have been a few bullies, but ever since my dad died, there's more. Ones name is Jersey. She pushes me around and calls me a freak only because I'm the only black kid. At recess one day, she pushed me off the highest point in the play ground. It broke my nose, and my leg. She laughed and laughed while I cried and cried. Another one is Brock. He calls me names, like Jerk, Ugly, Stupid, Freak. He and Jersey told me that everyone's lives would be better if I was dead. I was so sad, I told them I would grant their wish. Every day, I think about it. I even tell myself that I'm to much of a *sorry for the language* pussy to kill myself. I wanted to prove myself wrong. I even told Jersey that I would kill myself. She just laughed and said thank you. That night I got really sick with a fever so I wasn't at school for a few days. When I came back, Jersey looked at me and said "The few days you were gone were the best!" People have been bullieng me for 5 years. I even gave myself one cut. Now everytime someone is mean, I tell them I have alot to live for, like my life as a comedian. Bullies are mean, and I don't stand up for myself. Yet, my brain doesn't know that.