Abuse Of A Girlfriend
Read Count : 126
Category : Notes/work
Sub Category : N/A
Hi my name is Makayla I'm writing to let anyone who reads this no the truth about why I have PTSD I had met this guy online and at first he seemed really nice he was always talking to me he would call me and talk for about 30mins to an hour. Then one day he asked me to marry him and me thinking I was so in love said yes. I well I went to pine bluff since I was in heber springs AR and he also was in AR. Well me and my mom went to meet him and he was really sweet and nice to us. I lost my Vergenty to him because I thought he was the one. Well after the wedding my mom left to go home. As soon as she left he changed he either was playing in his game system or at his friends we never talked except when he stopped playing to ask me a quick question about one thing or another. Then he started to slap me around and at first it wasn't hard like he was just playing. Then the slaps started to get harder. He would do it when ever I either did something wrong or when he felt like it I was getting terrified of him. But every time I asked for my phone he was either using my hotspot for wifi or texting and calling people. I wanted to call my aunt crystal to come get me. But he never let me have my phone till after a week passed and my mom had came to get us because at the time he was running from the cops and had stopped going to his probation officer to stop him from going to jail he didn't tell me right out front but hinted at it. When we got to my moms he basically kept me from hanging out with my mom. Witch I love to do. One day when my mom and dad was at work he put my dogs in the freezer and dared me to touch it I was so scared that he was going to kill them from with suffocation or freezing to death or both. Finally he let me get them out and they were really cold. He then told me to put them on the freezer or he would beat me I said no and he asked what did I say I said it again. He came up to me and slapped my in the face there was a red hand print on my face for a good three hours and went away like 30 mins before my dad got home. I didn't say anything but before dad got home mom called because Edward the so called husband had texted her saying that I had put he dogs in the freezer. He peed on me almost ever day and put me down by saying that he would like it if I got smaller. He decided to build a porch cover and got me to do the errands for him. By this point I was so terrified that i didn't no if I could get out. One day my mom woke up having a really bad feeling and decided to call the sheriff in pine bluff and asked about Edward Abrams I guess the transfer her to the officer. And she gave mom a site that showed her everything on him he was or still is a level 3 molester that had to do with children I guess. Mom and Dad came and dad told me to go with mom because he wanted someone to ride with her that night. Well when we got to her work she told me that the cops were at the house arresting Edward. I guess what I'm trying to say is if u read this and is going thru the same thing to remember that you are not alone and there is people out there who will help just tell someone you trust no matter how hard it is I got out of the situation because my mom helped me shes my hero I think if she hadn't done something that i probly wouldn't be here writing this I would be so scared to disobey him that I would be lifeless body walking around so thank you mom and dad for helping me in that situation