Flash, Pt. 3 Read Count : 142

Category : Books-Non-Fiction

Sub Category : Biography
           At around the same time, I had started attending the Art Institute of Austin pursuing a bachelor of science degree in audio engineering. But soon, school had been placed on the back-burner, for their was something much else boiling that needed my full attention. 
           For a month straight, Flash and I would hang out, yet never to practice as the band we claimed we were in. We did talk of the band and what covers we should play, but never actually put the words into any action. However there happened to be much action of another kind. All of it behind a locked door. 
           Flash and I were glued to each other. 
           The frequency of our coitus would have rabbits gasping. I could come over to their apartment—beit Matt wasn’t home—in the nude, for there wouldn’t be any need for clothing. A shirt and pants would be an inconvenience and would mean less time of us fitting together as one. The band became more of an idea that would solely be talked about. 
           Everything seemed like magic in the beginning, but it all happened with disregarding speed. Neglecting any chance of getting to know each other to make the relationship bloom. 
          We told each other how much we loved one another, but in all shameful honesty, the love I declared for her was anything but genuine. Things were happening too quickly for my taste. Not to mention, the level of immaturity I would end up having to babysit each night we drank alcohol. And there was seldom a night we wouldn’t drink. 
           What would begin as a night with a beauty in black and red lingerie would become a night filled with red headaches, black tears, and colorless doubt. 
           On another sweltering day, I received a phone call from an unknown number. It happened to be Flash’s doctor, wanting to get ahold of her. How he had received my number, I haven’t the slightest idea. I said I’d put her on until I discovered Flash in the corner of my sight whispering “No!” What was I to do? I told the doctor I was her boyfriend and then asked what was the matter. He legally couldn’t tell me much, only that she was a manic depressive who should not be drinking at all. I had already figured that out, being bipolar myself, but I maintained it with medication. Though, the entire time we  spent with each other, I’d never seen Flash take or even heard her talk of medication. He then asked, “How is she with her drug problem?”
           I felt a train had rammed into my head. I jumped up and walked into the other room, leaving Flash oblivious to what was asked, watching TV with Matt. 
           “What drug problem?” I asked him. 
           He seemed shocked. “You don’t know? You’re her boyfriend and you do not know of her issue with drugs?”
           Anger grew within me. I thought, How dare he? And, this asshole is out of his mind. Because to my knowledge she had no problem at all with drugs. Alcohol yes, but drugs, no. I had been with her every waking hour and there had been no drug use. I told this to the doctor who then changed his condescending tone. I thought maybe he believed me. Which he then confirmed and told me to keep an eye on her. 
           I figured since she was with me, a recovered heroin addict, she would be safe. I knew what to look for and what situations to keep her out of. However, I hadn’t known the situation could come find us. 


  • May 05, 2018

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