Legendary Wolf Book 9. Read Count : 112

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
Chapter 15.This was just the beggining of Jimmy and Lunie's adventures.Many mysterious monsters in the world are against them so they have no choice  but to fight.Many little strange creatures Jimmy didn't know would always skitter across the trail Lunie and him were walking on.Lunie says there just little lizards but Jimmy didn't believe her.Jimmy was frighted by every step they toke he was feeling a bit uneasy.But Jimmy didn't say anything.Lunie noticed Jimmy was acting pretty strange.So she asked what was wrong.Jimmy was frighted by his eyes he saw another monster.But different it was a gaint centipide.Lunie was afraid to she saw its legs wiggling it's jaw was clicking.Except she didn't let her fear get to her.She ran to distract the big centipide.

Chapter 16.

Jimmy jumped right in the middle of its legs.It got him Just when it was a about to bite him.Jimmy turned into a big wolf He bit of the big centipides antenna.It squealed like a pig and swang Jimmy off of it.It was trying recover itself by putting its magical spit on itself.Before it did that Lunie made Jimmy freak out.Lunie ran strait to the centipide she jumped on it And bit off its head blood everywhere dropped on her white fur.It even dropped on Jimmy's black fur.They went to the river and washed themselves off.And quickly ran back home like nothing happened.Jimmy talked to nobody that day because he knew he would stutter.And his mom and dad would think something is wrong.Lunie nodded as he went to his room. Jimmy thought oh I bet it's gonna be hard at the end of the adventure.


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