Read Count : 44
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Sonshine my sunshine You are my heart, my soul, n my mind You motivate me from afar and give my only real drive No matter my plight Its instantly forgotten When you come into sight You make me strong You make me fight Without you here Nothing would ever again be right Baby boy My 1st born This life is real tough Mostly nothing but a struggle Hell fire in the rough And around each corner You're gonna find new troubles But none them worth A permanent resolve In time as you grow You will learn to see That you cannot take everything so seriously If you have done all you can Then the rest isn't your responsibility But people will press Place blame Belittle those who are apt to receive Know that no one is perfect Even when they pretend to be You are gonna fail at alot more Than you will succeed This is human nature Giving up is the worst of the worst of all known falacies It's ok not to know What's next or where you may go Sometimes it's winds up best To just simply relinquish control Let time do the rest While you nurture and heal your soul And if none of the advice above takes fit Then it's time for you to come visit home Where the expectations are lax And you're best known The only place you can really relax And absorb the love and the wisdom of your elders Until again you grow strong Love is the only real defense In a world where you feel all alone Don't be so discouraged If you can't achieve it all
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