The Start Of A New Beginning Chapter 2 Read Count : 116

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
"Sorry i was not here for your b-day", my brother says. "Its fine i know you had to go see your wife in the hospital", I say. "I got you something though!", he says. "What?", I say. He pulls out a hoverboard from a box and sits it down. "Those things are rlly heavy", he says. "Thx", i say. I gtab the charger and put it in the wall plug and charge it. All of a sudden theres a rumble sound from the ground.... And then the strange black and white light appears before me... Everything goes black. "Lord Xion!" ??? Says? "Uhhh- yes?" I say. "I am here to give you the power of light and dark.... Do u accept!" ??? Says. I think about for a moment. "Yes i guess", i say. "What is your purpose for this power", ??? Says. "I guess i will use it forrrr hmmmmm??...... I will use it for evil", i say. ??? Looks surprised. "You are the first and only one that has used this power for evil", ??? Says. "Well evreything ive been through kinda made me this way" i say. "Very well then" ??? Says. The darkness and light consumes me..... I wake up. "Xion Xion Xion!!!", my brother calls out to me. "Huh where am i?", i say. "You fainted and there was and earthquake i think", he says. "Your eyes changed to there black and white", he says. I go to the bathroom and lock the door..... I start smileing while looking at my self. "This is just the bringing", i say as i laugh.


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