He’s Not The Man For You... Read Count : 113

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
He’s not the man for you 
He’s not the man who deserves you 
He’s not the man meant to be with 
You forever 

He’s not the man you cry and cry 
And think he’s going to change 
He’s not the man you thought 
He was 

He’s not the man who you should 
Have scars and a broken heart 
He’s not the man that NEEDS 
To be with you 

He’s not the man that belongs with you 
He’s not the man you were looking for
He’s not the man You fell in love with 

He’s truly not the man for you....


  • May 03, 2018

  • May 03, 2018

  • May 03, 2018

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