First Kiss Read Count : 130

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
"Come on, we're almost there!" I giggle, holding Ben's hand as I lead us higher up the mountain pass that's hidden outside of the forest behind our village.
    "Come on Zemmy, where are we going? It is my seventeenth birthday after all so you have to tell me! Plus I'm two years older than you!" I look back at Ben who's blonde bangs are starting to grow out, covering his closed ocean blue eyes. It was to my suggestion, I thought if he did it would stop my heart from fluttering every time I look into them, just like they are doing now.
    "Yes, it is. And I can't tell you your birthday present." Ben sighs and I stop walking just before we reach the top. "Alright, close your eyes, I swear you're going to love it." He does as told with a groan of protest.

“Shut up and stop complaining.” I hit him in the back of the head as I hit him in the back of the head as I lead him to the top. "Open!" I exclaim and turn to face him. I exclaim happily turning to face him. Ben does as I ask and opens his hauntingly beautiful eyes to be greeted by a large fort on top of the mountain, overlooking our village and a slight glimpse of light shining in the distance from the city.
    "Wow Zemmy, it's amazing." My heart leaps upon hearing his nickname for me for me. When he turns around I can audibly hear the sharp intake of his breath. It's a view of the city. We sit there all night until we decide to relax and lay in the grass next to each other to watch the stars.
    "We need a secret handshake." I roll over to face him and he raises a brow, curious about my sudden declaration.
    "Isn't that a thing kids do?" He looks at me, rolling over as well so he can see me better.
    "Well then, I'm a kid." I say sticking my tongue out in a childish manor, proving my point. I say sticking my tongue out in a childish manner, proving my point. He laughs and plays with my hair causing my breathing to go uneven and my confidence to falter. Heat rises to my cheeks as he agrees with my idea and twirls a strand of my hair around his finger. Once I compose myself, we start throwing out ideas. Somehow we end up playing wrestling, resulting in me in his lap with my legs around his waist, and him tightly gripping my wrists to keep me from hitting him. Ben leans in closer, our faces merely inches apart.
    "Zemmy, there's something I have to do before I lose my nerve." Ben whispers softly, his eyes roaming over my face and stopping at my lips then almost instantly darting back to my eyes. I bite my bottom lip in embarrassment, a pink tint staining my cheeks under the intensity of his gaze. Taking a small, shaky breath, I start to ask him what when our lips are pressed together in a deep kiss. I freeze in shock, my eyes widening at the suddenness of it all. Ben is kissing me, really kissing me! My heart does flips and I let my eyes flutter close, returning the kiss with the same amount of passion he is, maybe even more. At some point he released my wrists and placed his hands on my waist, my own arms have found themselves around his neck, my fingers playing with the ends of his hair.



    May 01, 2018

  • May 01, 2018

  • May 01, 2018

  • I like the idea

    Nov 16, 2018

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