Drama Free Zone Read Count : 200

Category : Articles

Sub Category : N/A
When I first found this app, I was extremely happy with my stroke of luck. It is a user friendly app that is easy to use with none of those frills and thrills hooha. It is a good platform for me to write to my heart's content, anytime, anywhere. 

I began making new friends in here and I was stoked to be able to connect with people who speak the same language as I do - the language of words. I chatted with them, exchanged ideas, and I must admit I have learned a lot from the other writers here. Going through the library is one of my favourite things to do in Writer's Outlet because I have found so many gems and treasures hidden in there which I have taken the liberty to pull out and share. The Writer's Outlet community when I first joined in December last year is a community that I'm proud to be a part of. Like I said, I have learned a lot just by reading the works of other writers, asking questions and exchanging ideas. I found peace and tranquility in this drama free zone.

However, the peace and tranquility that I had found just a few short months ago has now been tarnished by some users who had decided to use Writer's Outlet as their own personal drama space. Kicking up silly pranks and getting pissed off when asked to cut the crap, to me, speaks volumes of who they are. What exactly are they trying to prove by pulling these childish stunts? Are they that desperate and hard up for attention? 

This app was created for writers to create and be creative. Not a place for social media drama. If their intention is to create havoc and unnecessary senseless drama, they are clearly in the wrong place. This is a place for people who are passionate about writing. So if that is not your plan, please do all of us a favour and get the hell out of this app. We don't need drama in here.


  • p r e a c h

    May 01, 2018

  • I couldn't agree more.

    May 01, 2018

  • Very well said Zee. The fake drama and charade they have been forcing upon us all has grown tiresome, along with the insults and namecalling some of us (myself included) have had to put up with. Hopefully this crap will be gone for good!

    May 01, 2018

  • I agree,you are so right on that!

    May 01, 2018

  • I must of missed this, but then I tend to only read what attracts me, decent writing.. if i see something like that i would probably ignore it and move on. The thing is, this is a very opened app. While that is a good thing, we will get some trolls and the like as well..Best bet is to ignore it, let there childish post be buried under the post of ppl who really want to write.

    May 01, 2018

  • Ramaya Lewis

    Ramaya Lewis


    May 01, 2018

  • This is a safe place for people to come and share their writings. You are so right, Zee. I totally got your back on this. Let them get on facebook or instagram, go to the street corner and spill their bile in the gutter where it belongs. I have no doubt the petty larceny they have in their heart will paint any environment they fall into. I hate to even give it any lift by commenting now, but it needs to be said. Writing is an art, a way to express yourself. There are many forms, and the Outlet is not a forum for anyone's spite. Thank you for putting it out there, Zee.

    May 01, 2018

  • May 08, 2018

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