This Day! Read Count : 103

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Today was a day of excellence, 
I woke, and the birds sung a song just for me...
Today was a day of excellence, 
No one asked anything of me...
Today was a day of excellence,
I finally caught up on some rest...
Today was a day of excellence,
I didn't even have to try my best...
Today was a day of excellence,
Aggravation didn't stop at this address...
Today was a day of excellence,
I didn't have to deal with nobody else's mess...
Today was a day of excellence, 
The radio station kept playing my songs...
Today was a day of excellence,
I was left home, and completely alone...
Today was a day of excellence,
I did not slip, nor did I fall...
Today was a of excellence,
I didn't have to use any brain power at all...
Today was a day of excellence, 
The boss called, and gave me the week off, with pay...
Today was a day of excellence,
For everyone listened to everything I had to say...
Today was a day of excellence, I laughed like I haven't, in quite some time...
Today was a day of excellence, Not a single worry, clouded my mind...
Today was a day of excellence, I can't help but smile as the day closes, I know exactly what shit smells like, bit on This Day... Mines actually smelled like roses!


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