Don't Break My Sweet Heart Read Count : 127

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
"Come on Jen", my mother pleaded ,"we have to go weather you like or not". "But I don't wanna, I cried. My mother grabbed me by the arm and tugged. "Come on", she said one last time. "Do you want to get a cookie on the way over to the therapist?", she persuaded. "Fine!", i growled. On the way there we did get cookies but I have been there once. It was for my brother. We were in the waiting room for thirty minutes and he ran out screaming covering his ears," no no no!".i have been scared ever since. When we got there the lady offered my mom some tea and me chocolate milk. "Okay", she started, "so tell me what happened?". She smiled, "why are you mad at your friends and telling them to go cry like the baby they are?", "well...", I said there was silence for a moment, "they we calling me names behind my back and a girl told me". "ok", she said, "but if we do get mad... you shouldn't punch people in their Faces". "So tell me the whole story", she said with her pen ready.

                                                To be continued


  • Ali Agadir

    Ali Agadir


    Apr 18, 2018

  • A Girl  Writer

    A Girl Writer

    weather = sunny and rain.. you mean to spell "whether someone likes it or not" But very cute, I didn't mind it ^^

    May 08, 2018

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