Read Count : 136
Category : Notes/work
Sub Category : N/A
I never seen it coming. My eyes slowly opened, squinting at the light from up above me. I roused from a brief moment of unconscious darkness. My vision was blurry and it took a few minutes to regain control of my thoughts. I could not move nor could I speak. 'Oh no! Was a paralyzed?' Was my first concern. In fear of the worst, tears began to flood my eyes. My head was throbbing anguishly and a piercing screech blasting through my ears. I closed my eyes for a few seconds due to the sensitivity of light, and when I opened them up a few seconds later, there was Rich standing above me. I couldn't perceive his facial expression as a result of my vision impairment. Then he spoke. "Don't you ever disrespectful me like that ever again." He said in a firm tone of voice. "Just remember something, nobody wants you anymore. Not John, not your parents, not anyone! I'm all you have, I saved you and if it hadn't been for me you'd probably be dead!" I never responded. He walked away and sat down in his torn up recliner across the living room and turned on the TV. He didn't attempt to help me up, nor did he console me in any way. He just allowed me to lay there like a slug. I was still in a daze but able to regain enough mobility to pull myself up from the floor and balance my way along the wall and into the bathroom. When I looked into the mirror above the bathroom sink, it reminded me why I despised mirrors so badly. I not only seen a blackened left eye and a bloody shirt, I seen a helpless reflection of a wretched woman who was being karmatized (not a legitimate term but it became one i created over the years) for all of her wrongdoings in life and she was getting exactly what she deserved. I really needed my family, but they no longer needed me. I was now a possession to him so obeying him and keeping the peace was my only option. I desperately wanted a shower but my loss of equilibrium and lack of energy made it virtually impossible. I grabbed a clean washcloth from the cupboard underneath the sink, then turned the faucet on full-blast till the water ran hot. My face was busted up, my eye was in the process of swelling shut, my nose had dried up blood from inside my nostrils and around it, along with streams of black mascara running down my cheeks. I tried to scrub it all off however, the immense pain made it difficult. That was the last memory I retained from that appalling night. Thanks for reading everyone. Stay tuned for chapter eight. Have a good night and God bless. 💙