*Excerpt From My New Book CHEAT* Read Count : 153

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I’m no stranger to the subject of cheating.  I have been cheated on and done the cheating.  Only recently enough, I have understood cheating, it’s aftermath and what can happen before cheating occurs.
I was a late bloomer, having not kissed a woman until I was seventeen years old.  My first kiss was nothing special.  I remember it being very nerve-wracking and sloppy.  We were totally sober, which made the experience even more tense.  I started to have a bit of a thing for this girl after the kiss.  Surprisingly, I didn’t before the kiss.  I was just her friend, but I felt, at the time, I needed to ‘get it out of my system’.
In my naivety, I began thinking that we were going out.  I remember texting this girl far more than she would text me, which is a bad sign usually.  I didn’t even register this at the time, having basically no experience with women & dating.  I thought this was just the way things went.  Men always had to make the first move, which is certainly not true at all.  One night it just so happened that I went out with my school friends and she was there, unbeknownst to me.  You must understand that for years, I was really scared around girls I liked or most girls in general.  This was the dawning of a sleeping giant I had in my subconscious, low self esteem and a lack of self-belief, but I will get back to this later.  I was quite hesitant to go up to her and speak to her when I saw her out.  I would rely on texting mostly, because this wouldn’t fuck with my anxiety as much as speaking to a girl in person.


  • Apr 17, 2018

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