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HI, Im Brandon McDonald aka DollaTooCold, and I'm here as the Messenger to all your working diffuculties, money management, and Energy Conservation sufficiencies. I was inspired to write this book by myself so I know you can and will implement this method to your everyday working life.

There's is definitely a time where you need to cut out the crap and fix those problems hindering you from reaching your greatest Accomplishments, and now I will like to freely introduce you to my Highly Effectively working system that i, myself use Everyday of my life now thanks to this book.

I would now like to Introduce you Guys and Girls to the "DJFCGRS" OR DNA JOB FREQUENCY CONSISTENT GENETIC ROUTINE SYSTEM.

The Routine Preperation System should normally be at a consistent durable rate of 50%, because you should at least consider the fact that you're doing what your Race, well really all Races did in Olden Times only you're doing it in a hidden but openly known platform were Human race with normal blood types or alien blood types really whatever blood types buy in to the Triumphant opportunity sorta like a Brand New Slave Situation. 

Noone Loves being broke, but we all Hate being Hindered from opportunity noone accurately thoughted. You slave around Doing orders, cleaning dishes, and mopping floors not Free though. Even picking cotton had a Pay Wage, and some African Americans did it without running away or not doing it at all being whipped. 

Noone wants to be whipped though its the way of discipline taught by some Parents, and maybe even Other Living Beings, Earthly and UnEarthly. 

Being Paid for your Services should definately give you the Boost and Spark required to Maintain Energetic Sufficiencies no If's, And's or But's about It. Here's were you Boost you're Routine Preperation System to 100% maybe even an extra 25% or 50% in seconds. We all know or should know Energy is deducted from the Body to complete any Task, whether its picking up a Token spotted on the Ground of Hell on Earth, are even sweeping the Floor in your Home Kitchen. Imagine having Energy to complete that Level on your Game or reach that Milestone you set up for Yourself. You should be feeling Motivated just by reading that last sentance.

 Recommending Energy drinks or a certain type of Drug would've been My Recommendation 6 years ago when I was 18, But since I found my Connection with the Higher Power it lead me to believe that all things are possible with 8 hours of sleep and plenty conversations with Jesus Christ, White or Black, Red or Green.  Realizing those two things and implementing my new system I've became the Good Monster I always knew I could become, and I have financial outlooks to vouch me, no seriously this System works.

I reached two of many milestones created on a new Android phone app, within minutes, which is also a great method for pricing you're biggest goals, and paying a little or alot toward it until its Achieved, I've even created more music in one day than I would usually Record, I even got out in the Community and spreaded Gods message as a ordain Highly educated street minister, which means I spoke the word of Lord in Hood terms.

 Honestly I've got use to Celebrations from using my new System, join a Winner buy that new Porsche or Even that new House or Apartment with the new found cash you've budgeted and made way for. (Laughing) Brothers and Sisters in Christ just Thank Me when you Finally Reach or just get the Bigger. 

I love you all, on God.

I know Reading this will Definately motivate you people, but you should be motivated by oneself. Once you Master one thing you will want more using "DJFCGRS". There's Levels to Everything, you can even become a Better Eater or Sleeper.

I don't know exactly how many Goals I have, but so far I've recorded 13 of them, and I reached two of them in one day using my Highly Effective System. We've already Established that working for money should Boost your Energy Level, but there's more to it, because people tend to get Discouraged by the amount of time they have to slave. 

Me personally knowing that customers aren't worried about the place they eat at yet along who's cooking up there serving. Saying that to say this, its all about the money. I know they were coming for the low prices and deals, but through my headset they were playing around with each other, and not focused on my coworker asking " may I take your order" Also "Thanks for choosing Burger King".

Point is they were spending money and you were making money.

Jobs are so hard to find, but easy at the same time. If you currently have one you should step it up a few notches with my new Highly Effective System. Unemployment is tough, but if you don't have a job everyone was given a talent you should master that and do your research on how to get paid for it. Also use my system to Kill off all the competitors within seconds, minutes, even days..

Boss your life up people after all we all have to have something to retire with, and I know you don't want to be slaved around in your 70's. I definitely don't so "DJFCGRS" it is. Who's with me?

Budgeting is also a major pin point for me. I can understand the cost of living, so I know how going broke could drain you. Have no fear "Captain Save Em" is here.

"Captain Save Em" aka "CSE" is one of my system features you will learn about in my next publishing. "CSE" helped me alot by calculating everything you purchase

After all Everything you see yourself Having is what God his Powerful and Hands on self Desires for you. He want his Children, and we're all his Children, to Shine and Manifest everything he has in store for you.


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