Read Count : 121
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Horror
All I remember is this old creepy lady hit me with a bat and draged me inside her house.She put me on a wood bed.On the table in the room I woke up in had 5 days carved into it.Im really kreeped out.I found the front door but there are idems I need to find.I'm trying not to make alot of noise.evry time she sees me she hits me with a bat and I end up in the same room.luckly shes old and forgets to put away the stuff.I found a bow and tranquilizer darts.I hit her with one shes out for one minute.I'm scared.i found a hamer a master key and pliers I think thats all I need.I hit the lady with the dart again.Shes out for a minute.I use the hammer to take off the woom the pliers to cut the cord the key to unlock it.I'm out and safe.Evry night i have nightmares of her killing me and eating my brains!I wake up more brused evry day.I need help.I keep thinking to my self why am i alive why am i alive.One morning i woke up with blood on my hands and started screaming my mom came to check on me.I told her what happend a few weeks ago.she said WAIT WHAT!A weird lady with a bat who is super creepy?yes i replied.Im sorry ro tell you this but thats your grandma she died of tarrer because you almost crashed the car so she is getting revenge.THE END.To be continued...