Douche Bag Deluxe Read Count : 166

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
It came out today that Fake News Guy and Liar Sean Hannity is one of the three clients that Michael Cohen has provided legal counsel over the last two years. Only three clients in two years, how does Cohen stay in business? But that is beside the point. When news came last week that Cohen's office, hotel room and apartment had been raided by the FBI under the authorization of Trump's hand picked Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Sean Hannity went on an incoherent rant about the unconstitutional nature of the raid, citing attorney/client privilege. What Hannity did not do was inform his audience that he himself was a client of Cohen and had an absolute conflict of interest in what he was saying about the raid on Cohen. A real news network would suspend anyone who did this. Fox News will not, as they are Fake News. SAD!


  • love your alias for Hannity... 'Fake News Guy' We should tatoo that on his forehead. And while we're at it we'll tatoo this one on Trumps... 'Im Fired'

    Apr 17, 2018

  • Leeona Vanfehr

    Leeona Vanfehr


    Apr 17, 2018

  • No offense, but Hannity did give him a retainer and altered his story several times. Though Hannity mentioned he had no relation with third parties, he did mention a advice in purchasing real estate. Real estate? Sounds a little suspicous. A normal person would go to a real estate agent to ask questions. If you're not a client, you can't expect client privelages.

    Apr 21, 2018

  • Apr 25, 2018

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