Chaos By Issues
Read Count : 78
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
If I could dedicate the rest of my literatures to a single word, it'd be issues. May seem corny or even angsty, but it's something we all deal with, yet it's seldom often that any two issues are exactly the same. Sure you and your buddy could both have the same issue, technically, if neither of you have money. But the implications, drives and forces can often be every different. No money is a different issue when you owe a lot of it. Even then it becomes something else if you owe it to dangerous people. Issues have ridden and driven me, they've shaped my life and continue to dictate the bumps and forks in my future. Without fail, it is my issues that most frequently and strongly move me, emotionally and physically. And unlike anything else, it is what most strongly judges who I am and my worth to others whether I like it or not. After all, that's just a tiny one of my issues.