Carson Meno ~chapter 3
Read Count : 131
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Comedy
I read for about 3 hours and I notice she's awake I stay still and put m book down, I peek through the crack of the door and I see him kiss her. My mind gets all bubbley I can't concentrate so I grab my phone and text my friend kaylee and ask if I could stay the night at her house for winter break. We're off of school and her parents are going to new Orleans for the winter so her house is free. (Through phone)(Me: hey.... so can I stay at your house with you for winter break?)(Kaylee: sure but why?)(Me:I'll tell you when I get there. I'll be at your house in 20 k?)(Kaylee: Okey Good luck it really cold out there)(Me: I'll... manage) I grab all my stuff and shove it into my suit case, I open the door and I March out of the room. "Crap" James says under his breath "bye cya" I say and slam the door I walk to the front doors of the school and I trancform into a cat and I make my way to kaylee's house.
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