The Wolf Boy
Read Count : 144
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Fantasy
One day a girl named Courtney she was mad at her friends so she went out for a walk as she was walking she saw an animal she thought it was a dog so she went closer to it it looked like the dog was hurt so courtney took it home and covered the dog's bruises then one day Courtney went out to buy the dog something to eat as Courtney came home she didn't see the dog anywhere she started looking all over the house but then she saw what looks to be a naked man with dog ears she screamed so loud then the boy started Chasing her Courtney was running she didn't have anywhere else to run she started crying but then the boy with dog ears started writing something on per then showed it to her it read hey my name is donte thanks for saving me from dieing I'm the wolf that u saved thank you as Courtney read the letter she couldn't Believe it so she said are u sure your the dog I saved the wolf looked mad and wrote on the paper I'm not a dog I'm a wolf the girl was so shocked but believed everything he wrote so the girl takes care of the wolf boy the end