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Read Count : 214
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I've had a lot of time to clear my head. I've been afraid of what I may find. I've been experiencing this bliss & I don't want to lose it but I'm also a very logical person so when I think of things to come it scares me. How things will pan out, how they may or may not progress. It scares me because I don't want to lose this bliss, I don't want to change a thing but I do. I need things to change, we need things to change. Just not the bliss. I have this feeling deep in my gut that things will always be like this. That we will be that old couple that everyone is jealous of or admire because we still have the spark. I need us to always have that spark. That's what I've dreamed of, what I desire, what I need but the pessimist in me thinks things won't work out. That you will grow to hate me like everyone else. That I won't want to put up with it anymore & I'll have left this shit hole for nothing other than empty dreams. See, you are the only one who has ever seen into my soul & take care of it. You take such good care of me that I shouldn't be afraid but then I think it hasn't been enough time. Months not a decade between us. You live me because you haven't seen the mean ugly me, the nasty bitter bitch no one likes. You take me as I am & every step, every inch I show some how you appreciate it, nurture it, love it. Even the dark shameful parts. I still have more to show you if you're up for the ride. Please stay with me for life.