Chapter 5 Read Count : 128

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
As decided...  I went to meet him for 4th. Time.. 
   No girl would go..  Ha but I love him  so I went...  I reached early there we spoke many  thing...  ND spent the happiest Day... 
He bought  juice nd snacks to me...  Haa I was happy... I can't from grandma home... 
He put one samosa to my mouth  later on one more..  I was full  but he haven't  left  me... 

But the best part was.. I was eating  from his hand..  He pulled  it ND finally  kissed to my forehead...  
That day ND that situation..  It was for the first time for me..  I never forget... Later on we promised to stay together..  ND stop  fighting...  


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