Snap-Malusi The Wonder Boy
Read Count : 136
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
There he was, very bored; Sitting on the grass with a catalogue; Aware that the act of sitting down Will cause unknown pleasures to drown. He began to walk around, Looking to build his imaginative sound. With his walking he saw a hut; Entered in and something was not right. He felt that he was somehow floating; Looked down an endless water in motion. He started swimming in deeper, Moving like it's his high held habitat. He met sharks that were slicker, Wanted to be friends he never had; His response was hesitant; Friends would make him a weak element. The sharks suddenly got angry; And Snap-Malusi made a plan for safety. He created games for their rejuvenation; Hence, aquatic creatures had sensation. 'The Aquatic Games'that were miscellaneous: Aqua running, boxing and swimming. Competition occured - some got jealous. For his creation some said he wasn't merit - But no one considered him as misfit. At Aqua-running he cheated to win; Punching everyone and started to stream. At Aqua-boxing he fought and got tired; As a result he misfired. He got angry and defeated the rest; Dominating and ruling like it's his nest. At swimming, all creatures were not kind; One dolphin forward and one shark behind - the dolphin reached the finish line, Celebrating for being number one. It was then given a silver medal; So unfortunate for expecting a gold-run. Number one was Snap-Malusi's routine; As he was drinking coffee and relaxin'; Knowing he took a short-cut to the secant, As he had no interest in being the second. He became the greatest in a Millennium, Leaving aquatic creatures with fun; Further called 'The Aquatic Being', Hoping he could return next time; But was looking to answer what's ringing.