From Sun Teen To Space Games
Read Count : 173
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Things go round and round Until they begin again. What if things could go straight In order to create a new game? Without seeking for a mystery, A teenager makes history. Born with the name Snap; But some mistakenly call him Gap. Born from 27 years BC to 2011; That mortal life duration is indeed The greatest. The only one to land on the sun Without damage inflicted; All possible with the courage He preserved. For the teenage fun time he relinquished, 'Success' was the only word left looking. With the actions of showing boredom; And having a future vision of Neil Armstrong; He further went to space, Displaying thoughts of what to create. As it was quickly coming to his mind, He felt that he should be leaving space With a vibe. What could it be? You may ask. Something simple, but right. The idea of games came to his mind; Thus natural aliens coming were kind, Looking to be part of the creation of This guy. Space activities, he activated. "Space-Games" was the name of this Collection: Space swimming; running And wrestling in this game about Redemption. The game rules he also stated. Thoroughly playing against the aliens; Dominating them as if they weren't there; "Just imitating a frame"; Giving them the idea of being 'lame'. Losing interest as if it was a cliche; Further considered as Space-rich; As the end came to reach. The aliens gather, As they have never seen such an alter. Revenge was the cause to congregate; Looking to improvise their estate. Heading to Snap with a killing conspiracy; Weapons prepared like carpentry. He saw them angry and Started to collate; Realising it's trouble, so he had To commemorate, Using his 'Kung Fu' skills to relate; Moving like a comet for a trait; Needing no one else to translate. He was considered strong in space; Given a new name for respect-sake. 'Malusi' was his new added name; Shepherd - the meaning for his reign. Obeyed by a myriad of aliens; Leaving them with passion and reference. Good deeds to retaliate; Happiness to condensate.