Words Are Words Read Count : 114

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Don't be sold by every words that has been told for the words we hold deep inside our soul 

No matter how hot or cold the wind maybe against our cheeks but if we believe in the words one might speak

 Blink twice and you will see the words that are inside our minds are ready to unwind

 Lift your glass to a toast for what to come with wine in glass time will pass as we take a sip of wine and skip across the floor

 Filing fine now from the sip of wine now my mind is spinning out of control 

Are you high or are you low who will know if you don't stumble when you walk or scramble your words when you talk 

A smart person knows when not to speak but the words we seek must not be the words we buy from the first person who comes along

 Don't be soul by the old words of yesterday that has gone away for today the new words are here to stay

 Words has been sold many times before for the good and for the worse

 Can the right words make you wrong or can the wrong words make you rigth 

Who to say what's right what's wrong with the words we speak and seek 

Words can be a curse put on you to think to think you're wrong when you're right words can be a curse put on you to think you're right when you're wrong

Words can be strong to lift you up to the highest mountain top so high you can almost touch the sky

Words can be weak to tear you down to the lowest vally slope so low you can almost touch the bottom of the sea

Which ever it may be words are words that we can not hide but many had tried

And done it very well until one day they forget where they are and than the words they hidden for so long slips away

With the slip of the tongue the words flows off like water that can't be stopped once turned on

Like water the words are in the drain now some waisted some are not waisted some can be use some can not be use

Words are words that can not be taken back once heard by ear or sight of signs even the deaf and dump can understand words

Words can bring you grateful joy words can bring you hurting pain

Happy or sad love or hate glad or mad fast or slow 

Anywhere you go words are with you no matter what 

Words can be loudly spoken words can be silence unspoken inside the mind

So be careful of the words you seek and listen closely before you leap into something before you speak

For the words you speak that you seek can not be taken back once they are in the air

For all to see so don't you dare speak the wrong words to me come to me with the right words that you learn and then my respect you will earn

Words are so powerful to build you up or tear you down just stick around and stand your ground

You than will seek and find the right words to be found to say without a doubt that will come out your mouth

Words words words we can't live with them words words words we can't live without

Words need to be the right words spoken every time one speak them for we all know it's the right thing to do because that's the only way

 God's way so what do you think about words spoken and about every word sold now

Make your wrong words your right words to say today they will take you a long way each and everyday

Larry Perry, Sr.


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