Outcast (chapter One, Part One) Read Count : 85

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Horror
(Your p.o.v)

If your reading this I'm already dead. I know it sounds cliché and it's such an overused line I can barely bring myself to say it but it's the truth. So please for my sake listen closely or perish with the rest.

The friends that live inside my head have turned against me. Who are my friends you may ask? They're outcasts. People who died alone, cold, afraid, and starved for love. People like me.

For as long as I can remember they've been with me. Cheering me on at every track meet. Playing tag with me in those lonely summers. In all honesty, I knew they weren't real but, I had always hoped that in time they would become real. Become My friends. 

My friends where all very nice and polite in the beginning. Helping me with homework, doing some of my chores here and there. That was the only time in my life when I felt truly happy. It all changed when I met the boy.

I was walking by myself that day. I don't know why but I guess fate has a way of toying with you. It was a chilly morning and all I was wearing was a T-shirt and shorts. I didn't even put shoes on. I started getting a sick sense of dread deep down inside me that said, if you don't run your going to die. Let's just say I listened. When the dread faded away I realized where I actually was, the river.

Every muscle in my body screamed to run away, but my mind wouldn't budge. So I stood there like an idiot for a few minutes and watched the trees. But almost as if conjured from my mind I heard a small wail come from the other side of the river. I sucked in a huge breath as the boy lifted his head up. He was beautiful. I cannot describe to you what he looks like other than his sheer beauty. While I was drinking him in he, was standing up and taking in his surroundings. His eyes fell on me and I swear I was melting. I soon came to realize that he was talking to me, "hey you, where am I? What's going on? Who are you?" I couldn't tell you why but I guess I must have realized I wasn't supposed to be seen. So I ran. He shouted, begging me to stay but I just kept going. I didn't stop till I burst through the front door and collapsed on to the floor panting miserably. 

I would come to realise soon that he was my last hope, and I never should have run away.

(End chapter one)


  • Apr 24, 2018

  • May 01, 2018

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