Familiar Read Count : 112

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
The air is a crisp cool on this sunny spring morning, much like my façade . Same familiar smell of country air dipped in fast food; that same familiar feeling. My heart racing, keeping tempo of the nearby highway.  I keep telling myself to keep calm. 7 a.m wake up call, "keep calm".1 Hr, 2 bus commute, "keep calm". Stepping down that same familiar path, "just keep calm". This would not be the first time i find myself tiptoeing down this walnut veiled path. Feeling my heart pound harder every step closer i get. My legs start to quiver in response to the scenes my mind has painted so vividly for me. My breathing gets heavier, as i can now hear it over sam smith blaring in my ears. "Nirvana", sometimes i feel like he took the words right out of my head. I Have to stay focused. Today has to be perfect. More than the day, i have to be perfect. All because my love is perfect, and I've come so far, for so long, for him. All for this same familiar feeling. 


  • Apr 24, 2018

  • Harmony Vic

    Harmony Vic

    This made little to no sense, and yet I loved it.

    Aug 13, 2021

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