FIVE Part Four- Chapters 16-20 Read Count : 114

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure
FIVE- Chapter 16- John Benderson
"They found us. I'm not sure how but they've found us.  Run for it Eddie!" I shout as I hear gunfire. Suddenly the door breaks down, and the window crashes open.

"Secure the area."

"Perimeter established sir."

This time to us: "Drop you weapons."

More gunfire. The radio we use to contact Paul is shot.

"Drop 'em!"

"Serch for weapons!"

" Clear. "

"Go, go, go!"

" Drop them or I'll shoot! I will! "

We put them down. The air vent suddenly crashes open from which more lazers come. At this point I have at least twenty red dots on me.

"So," the leader said. "I heard a little about you."

About an hour and several apologies later, we were discussing how to deal with this and how I could help. I was glad to be officially a part of the team. We decided to let me keep helping out as I have been, and they promised they would call us on a new radio they gave us if they found out anything new. They did make us swear, though, that we couldn't leak any of the information they gave us. It Accepting, we wrapped things up and they left. Just like that. The last out the door frame was their leader. At last second he turned around and said:

"Oh, and John,"


"I'll pay the bills."

FIVE- Chapter 17- Carter Clemons

As soon as I'm through the gateway the world goes black. When I come to I find myself chained to a board in what looks like an underwater building. Looking around I seemed to be in a small room. Then I saw him. Picard dude. 

"Well, well well. Look what we have here."

" You lied! You're working with them. "

"Lied? Yes and no. It was mostly the truth. But no one got off without madness. Not even me. But the madness didn't kill me. It just brought me to my true calling. The starfish will win. When the insanity struck I saw this symbol engraved into my head:

Occasionally it would strike again and I'd carve it into any nearby surface. Oh, and a cave in didn't kill the other one. I did. His power was mind reading, so, I absorbed it."

Suddenly the ceiling opened up and a giant buzz saw popped out.

"Goodbye Carter. I always have been one for the classics."

He removed a remote from his pocket.

"With a twist."

He pressed a button and suddenly a bunch of lasers were revealed, all pointed at me.

FIVE- Chapter 18- Paul Hues

The second drone was shot down too. Almost immediately. And directly afterward the FBI were at my door. At least they didn't know me. Instantly I was surrounded on all sides, and my home and workshop was compromised. I hit my panic button. The floor disappeared from below me and several key objects in the area and we fell below. The floor reappeared and the stuff slid into the back of a van on the lowest level. I flew into the driver seat and hit the orange button, sending the truck down a to let sled and over a ramp as my backyard opened up allowing me to fly through. Suddenly 50,000 pounds of pure C4 activated along my home wiping out anyone in the area, creating a crater, and sending a shock wave boosting me forward. Three seconds later the parachute on my van deployed and I slowly drifted downward looking back upon the smouldering remains of my house.

FIVE- Chapter 19- John Benderson

When we decided to check out the riddle, it was easy to find the secret area of the mountain, including the creepy room and the rectangle of light. Upon stepping through it, we found Carter and saved him from the spinning circular saw of death. Easy. Not easy: getting out. The three of us wandered aimlessly around the facility for a while before a door opened up behind us. Out of which stepped eight starfish. Running now, we took a turn down a long hall, left, then right, then left again, going through four more rooms before eventually reaching a floating rectangle very much like the other one, except this one was a deep black with a purple force field in front of it. Quickly throwing a heavy switch, I told the others to run as the field disappeared. The lever slowly rising again, I ran towards the gate to follow them, but the barrier reappeared and turning around I saw it was too late. The fish stood there before me, forming a ring around Picard dude. 

"Well well well... Look what we have here..."

" Oh, no. "

FIVE- Chapter 20- John Benderson

Day 1

This was my first day as a prisoner. The first thing that happened was that I was knocked out. When I awoke I found myself in one of the prison cells I passed earlier. After a few hours they got a response on the phone (apparently they sent a request to have me transferred) saying they were sending a transport. Upon boarding the small craft, which faintly reminded me of a space ship, we departed through the sea towards a new base, ment just to hold me and my fellow jail birds. According to the radio communication I heard, this was one of their higher level bases. It was huge! Upon docking I was put into a used room for waiting. I was then taken to D-block, one of the most secure in the prison. Going down past sections Alpha and Beta, I eventually arrived at Gamma, which was mine, where I was taken past areas I through VIII and into IX, eventually reaching  sub-section 3, area b, part IV, cell 2. Phew! After being sorted that thoroughly I realized just how many prisoners they had at each base. After all the sorting there was hardly any time left in the day, but there was enough for me to get some back-breaking work done. Turns out most of these prisoners never did anything against against the starfish, they just act as their labor force. The rest are either former 'survivors' members or other marine biologists that knew to much. Oh yeah, and I found this random, rotting journal stuck in the biosphere dome. It was empty so I 'll be writing in here now.


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