A SPARK Chapter 2 Read Count : 136

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
Leo was the first one to come down. He had dark brown hair that flopped over his eyes with baby blue eyes. He was handsome and about six-feet-tall. His shirt was a dark blue with blank pants and teenis shoes.James was next. He had black hair that was spiked in the front and calm in the back. His eyes were a grassy green with a hint of gray. He was smiling so I could see that he had dimples  which made him even more handsome. He was wearing a hoodie with gray sweatpants, not my choice of fashion but alright. Levi was after James. His hair was a dyed white. His eyes black as the night sky. He was wearing a gray t-shirt with blue jeans and white socks. Summer and Autumn came at the same time. They were wearing the same thing which was : purple crop top with black leggings. Summer's hair was a peach color I couldn't tell if it was dyed or not ,her eyes were a sea blue. Summer's hair was in a high ponytail.Autumn's hair was a dark red  ,it was in a bun.  Leo was the first to speak. "So your the new meat?"  "Yea. I am. You must be Leo? Am I correct?" "Indeed. You're looking nice today." "Thanks. So that must mean y'all are  James,Levi, Summer,Autumn?" I could see why Katie said not to stare at Summer. Summer had a long scar across her face ,I wondered what happened. "You learn quickly Winter." Katie said with joy.


  • good job!

    Apr 23, 2018

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