SnowVille And The Lost Heart: Chapter One (Continued) Read Count : 148

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
Suddenly, Rebecca heard something. It sounded like rumbling. The ground started to shake violently. Rebecca gasped. "The heart! Someone stole it!". She ran out her door and ran down the steps as fast as she could. She eventually reached the 4th floor, which had a private room, where the heart was kept safe. When she reached the private room, the guards were gone. "Guards?" She called out. No reply. She knew there was no time to waste, so she headed straight to where the heart was kept. A man with a black cloak, a black brimmed hat, and fancy black boots held the heart in his hands. Rebecca recognized the man's face: it was Richard.   

Richard used to be the king of SnowVille. A month after him and Rebecca moved to Michigan and bought SnowVille, Rebecca's mom came and told Rebecca that Richard had died from Cardiovascular disease. Some of the villagers said that he actually died from Cardiovascular disease, and some said that he faked his death. 

"Richard?" Rebecca asked. "Why are you stealing the heart? And how are you alive?" Without hesitating, Richard dropped the heart purposely, breaking the heart (The heart was made out of thin glass). "I'm sorry." Richard said, his voice wobbly. "I don't want to do this, but I have to." The ground started to shake more violently. "No!" Rebecca exclaimed. She began to cry. "My dream...will never be accomplished..." Richard held Rebecca's tight. "Rebecca.." Richard said. "Yes?" Rebecca replied. " you. With all my heart." Richard said. Rebecca smiled. "I love you, too." Rebecca looked up at the ceiling. The ceiling was about to fall on them any minute now. Rebecca and Richard closed their eyes, holding their hands tighter. A tear ran down Rebecca's cheek. "I love you." Then, the ceiling fell on them, killing them both. 
(PS I know it sounds like Romeo and Juliet but it's not about Richard and Rebecca dying together at the end. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this :).) 


  • Apr 22, 2018

  • Jun 11, 2018

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