Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
The kids entered the house and went up stairs and see their rooms.

"Wow!" Bruce cried "This room is so big"He looked down the window and saw that there was a tree to the right and left of the treehouse "Those look like arms he whisper to himself.

Their mom called "Time for dinner!" Bruce was gonna move but then he remmembered of the rock he tried to grab Then he heard another shout of his mom "Come bruce! Time for dinner"He ran downstairs he saw that molly was already there he sited on the table and his mom puted a plate with spaggeti on it bruce started to eat he relise they were outside for 20 minutes or more."dad when are gonna go to the costume store"Bruce asked "Its almost halloween and we got no costume".

To be continue.....   and plz comment..............


  • make another!

    Apr 21, 2018

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