A SPARK Chapter 1 Read Count : 128

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
I stepped out of my car the cool air felt warm against my face. After being stuck in the car for two hours my legs felt like goo. I grabbed my  luggage and headed to the dean's office. I knocked on the oak door. A woman in her mid-thirties answered the door. " You must be Winter. I'm Mrs.White.Nice to meet you. Please come in."  Mrs.White was warm and welcoming,her  office smelled of fresh pine. My favorite smell besides food I mean. "Your room is  sutie 5." She handed me a paper saying my sutie number and directions. "Now go on you haven't got all day." "Thank you Mrs. White." "Your welcome sweetie." The directions said to go to the East Side building and the suite is on the second floor. I marched my way there and knocked on the front door. "Are you the new roomie?" A young woman asked. She looked at eighteen to twenty years of age. She was wearing a purple tank top with tight blue jeans. "Yea. I'm the new roomie." "Great. I'm Katie. Come in."  The living room was a snowy white. There was a  tv hanging above the fireplace. The couch was a nice  brown leather with a blanket hanging over it and pillows on its side. "Who else is in this sutie?"  "Me ,James,Levi, Leo, Summer ,and Autumn. Don't stare at Summer. She doesn't like it. Let me call them down.  JAMES ,LEVI, LEO,SUMMER ,AUTUMN. COME DOWN HERE. THE NEW ROOMIE ARRVIED!" Katie yelled. There was a thumping of steps  then everyone else arrived in the living room.


  • great story! all you need now is a person called spring. I can't wait to read more!

    Apr 21, 2018

  • Good story 👍. Can't wait to see the next the one!

    Apr 21, 2018

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