ALL GONE. Chapter 4 Read Count : 114

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
My hand had something you could describe as a huge big gash, not bleeding though. I knew what it was gonna lead up too, but tried not to think about it. I hoped we wouldn't encounter any people any time soon, cause I knew what would happen then. They'd blow my brains out. "I'm scared" I said to my dog, quietly. He came over to comfort me. I cried all over his fur, tears spreading on his back. "I will protect you Goldy" I said " even if it means killing myself" I closed my eyes and rested on his fur, and then I fell asleep, I had a dream a horrible one. One about me turning. It scared me I knew it would happen eventually though, so when I woke up I just fell asleep again.  


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