Coming Soon Read Count : 411

Category : Articles

Sub Category : N/A
Hello Writer's Outlet community.

Two big exciting changes are coming soon to Writer's Outlet.

First is our move to Google Cloud hosting which will happen early next week. There will be little to no offline time but on late Monday night into Tuesday morning American Eastern time if you experience a server error, please just check back a little later. This will help with the user experience and increase speed and functionality along with some login and messaging issues some users have experienced.

Second and even more exciting is a major update to both the Apple and Android Writer's Outlet app. 

Chapters will be the main new feature. It involves being able to write or sort through chapters instead of the way it is now which is a separate post for each chapter or just a scroll.

There will also be a fix to the read counts as well as it will show who has read it.

There will be a recent reads tab to remember your most recently read writings. There will also be a follow writer option.

Edited works will move up in the library whereas now they stay where they were first uploaded.

More file types for both audio and text will now be available to decrease file not found or file not supported issues.

New categories for fanfiction will be added to books and stories along with new blog/journal/article categories for spirituality, relationships, motivation and self help.

Reply to and like comments with notifications will be available in the ratings/comments section. 

Hyperlinks can be added to a writing to allow users to click on it and be taken to Amazon, Facebook, the magazine etc.

Top writers will now be a combination of total read counts, ratings and total works written instead of just total number of writings.

New text variations such as bold, italics, underline and positioning such as left, center and right along with color font and background options.

The estimated time for this update will be early May for Apple users and late May for Android users.

Thank you to everyone who made suggestions. I took them all into consideration and several of them are being added to the app in this update.

I hope you are all as excited as I am for these new features.


  • Apr 21, 2018

  • Thank you everybody.

    Apr 21, 2018

  • Awesome.

    Apr 21, 2018

  • I am so excited >< It's like every idea has been thought of. I'm honestly very impressed!

    Apr 21, 2018

  • 💜

    Apr 21, 2018

  • That's going to be some useful updates.

    Apr 21, 2018

  • Apr 21, 2018

  • Great. maybe a few more things for this update or the next. is it possible to make it so I can link from my webpage to my writer profile here or someone else as well as maybe a web based version?

    Apr 21, 2018

  • Wtg man!

    May 15, 2018

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