Nightmare Read Count : 79

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Thriller
I am showering again. Alone. The lights are off because I hate the way I look..suddenly it gets very cold

very cold

The water is nearly boiling though. I look to my left because something moves. I see through the shower curtain a faint light, which is weird because where it is, there is no light.

I breathe deep and get the odd feeling I'm not alone. My heart starts racing. I cannot move. I am staring at the spot where there should be no light. Something moves across it. A



not merely a shadow because around it no light escapes. Around it is only lighter darkness..ha! 

Lighter darkness? 

Yes, I see it moving now. There upon the floor I hear it's heavy...
clawed steps..?!

it drags something, I hear that to

closer it comes
closer still

I breathe hard, closing my hands around my simple razor. Unwilling to die with no fight, my heart beats slower now, my mind's eye sees every possible outcome

none end pleasantly. All this takes place in mere seconds in my mind as it approaches..dragging something behind..then it stops..just outside the shower stall..breathing softly..then it laughs..

like the demon I figured it to be since the doors are locked and it came from where no light ever was

funny now as I look at the light it eminds me of


I breathe deep, unable to control myself anymore I launch through the curtain..landing hard on it..slashing down..across..punching..I am screams come from the thing below me..soon I'm done..breathing hard I stand..ripping back the shower curtain to see what I have beaten...suddenly I..I am staring up at me!

Gasping for breath I wake..laying in my tub..blood dripping from my knuckles..blood all over the floor..shower curtain tossed aside..I am shaking..shaking.. are awake......

Am I??


  • that was cool

    Apr 21, 2018

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