One Life..One Love Read Count : 177

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
Sadly, the old man sat down, his face tired and his hands trembling. He looks around and even from this distance, I can see the sadness in his eyes. Before I know it he walks towards me and I smiled lightly..he returns the smile and sat on the bench by me. When he speaks his voice is strong and deep.

"You know me not son, but the words I wish to tell you are true. Have a heart and listen to an old man?"

I couldn't say no and in truth, I wanted to hear what he had to say so I nod and he smiled. Clearing his throat he spoke..

"My wife lays in there. Probably on her last days of life. We've been married fifty years now. Forever haha. She's the light of my life..the candle in my night. I don't know what I will do without her.."

He pauses and looks up at the harsh lights, his eyes narrowed. He takes a deep breath and continues

"If you let love in, you will be changed. Are you married?" I shake my head no and he sighs then reaches into his pocket to pull out a simple gold band. He hands it to me so I look at it closely. On the inside of the ring is written 'One life..One love' I smile at the sentiment then go to hand it back to him but he shakes his head no..I stare at him for a moment, confusion covering my face. He smiles again and speaks..

"Much like this day, more then fifty years ago I was in a park when a man came up to me; he told me a story of love, strength and peace then handed me that ring. Told me to pass it to my children on their wedding day but son, I have none. Rachel and I well, we tried. We even took on a few adopted children but sadly, each has died. So, I am giving this ring to you. Take it with my blessing. Hold it, when you find one to marry..give it to her and remind her each love her."

He stands now and pats my arm, smiling at me before walking away. I sit on the bench and watch as he walks into a room. I remain speechless. Looking at the ring once more I repeat it's precious saying to myself 'One Life..One Love' 

It is later now and I am sitting by my window when a beautiful older lady comes into my room. On her face is the most wonderful smile I have ever witnessed. She comes over, touches my cheek and at once I know her name. "Hello Rachel. How do you fare?" She says nothing but lightly taps the ring that is now on my finger..she kisses me softly and I swear I hear her say..'One Life..One Love' she walks away and at the door I see a younger version of the man I spoke with earlier. He smiles, tips his hat to me and with her at his side, I watch them walk away, I nod and my smile grows. Looking at the ring once more I touch it..whispering its words..

One Life..One Love.


  • And that's something i like to read

    Apr 21, 2018

  • This is deep and beautiful. I love it!!! 💜

    Apr 21, 2018

  • Loved it <3

    Apr 22, 2018

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