Damn!! Read Count : 142

Category : Songs

Sub Category : Rap
Everyday struggle that's life,
You try not to fall, 
A cheer for my mother,
Thanks for it all,
The ghetto is pain,
Before you walk you must crawl,
The strength that runs in me,
Is my father's own...

Now follow me on a road to perfection...
On a street paved with lies and broken dreams...
Until I get it, I'm forever restless...
In a life, where nothing's what it seems...
Now I was born in a city, in a ghetto...
And I attended the school of hardknocks...
It's hard to get it, but easy as hell to let go...
You gotta give something, when nothing's all you got...
Blood, sweat, and tears what my mom gave to raise me...
And my father from a distance, still gave the same...
In a house that's built on confusion...
And furnished with the deepest hurt, and saddest pain...
My heart's telling me that I got the brains to get it...
My brain's telling me, I don't have the heart to want...
Why in the hell, everything I can do, ends up, being everything I don't..... Damn!


  • Damn....

    Apr 20, 2018

  • 💜

    Apr 21, 2018

  • Shalyn Putman

    Shalyn Putman

    what is the beat

    Apr 23, 2018

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