Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : YoungAdult
As he looked over the grand dining table, the king sighed deeply.
"Is this really what we've come to," he says sadly, "only ONE whole turkey at my feasts and not five..."
"But sir..." the earl says, "No one ever finishes all five turkeys, we usually only eat half a turkey, and if we're really hungry a whole one."
"Nonsense!" the king bellows, "There is not such thing as "too much turkey", but there is such thing as too little! At the least, bring in another turkey to make it two." The earl shook his head slowly but obeyed and walked back to the kitchen. From his throne the King could hear all seven of the chefs gasp and he strained his ears to hear their conversation.
"Overworking us....not Starving...... Fat, many people....... Stupid, dumb......" He had heard enough.
Then, as he was going to confront them, he heard one voice overpower the rest, "STOP! The king is good to us, he is not starving us, but he could be. It is not our business as to how he uses his money, although, he could be using it more wisely. Do you think the king would appreciate you talking behind his back. If it was the the other way around, you would of thrown him out in a split second. Think; use your brains!" He froze for a second but, then he realized that the earl was speaking and he knew exactly what to do. He waltz into the kitchen determined to take his advice.
"Earl, put these women on a one week leave without pay, and I've decided that one turkey at the feast will be plenty," he said firmly. Then, he smiled warmly.
"I can't imagine firing you chefs..." he said once more, "when you return, I will raise your pay."
"You needn't do that," the usually quiet chef in the corner said, "because I quit!" The words were surprising to the King and he stood in shock as she shay-shayed out of the room, but he quickly regained his posture. He raised his pointed finger and spoke.
"Anyone else want to quit," He said menacingly, waving around his finger as if it were a sword. All he heard was silence in return.
"No," he said cheerfully, "then let the feast begin. Let in the royalty!" Today was going to be a good day. He could feel it.