Abracadabra! Read Count : 234

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
What in the hell is Fake President (FP) doing fondling an Orb with two Arabs?

Perhaps he is asking Mohamed for some extra stamina? If he was, it didn't work. Seems FP could not answer the bell for a second teleprompter read-off. Very weak of you sir.

Now before anyone gets their panties in a twist about this comment being unfair, too callous or whatever, know that Donny dished out his tirade on Hillary's lack of stamina when she fell ill and stumbled getting into her car. We had to endure about three weeks of his idiotic, juvenile "Hillary lacks stamina and I have great stamina" bullshit. Just fundamental karma at work in the universe. Deal with it.

And by the way, I have been saying for weeks that FP will vacate his office via resignation. Looks like he may possibly use the deteriorating health ploy to try to save face so as to not be involuntarily removed from office. What he does not understand is that if the Russian probe goes deep enough and shows his financial linkage to the Russian kleptocrats, he is headed for the big house, not the White House.

SAD for frail, low stamina FP!


  • Nancy Beth

    Nancy Beth

    You are spot on about using health reasons to resign and get "out" of his hard job, poor little donny can't work because he is too frail. What a hypocrite he is!

    May 22, 2017

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