Take Risks.
Read Count : 270
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
One hit of your love, shit I never knew this is what I was missing out on. Girl, you're about to get me to write you a song. When I talk it may all just come out wrong but if I harmonize in a melody maybe it will all sound alright. I always thought I had the worst luck with love, no, no... All my luck saved up for this one woman to love. I watch you as you sleep. Listen to you breathe, damn girl why do I feel complete? What is this, should I put a ring on it? Married now, damn this is that shit people talk about. I feel the way I can't explain in words. I feel that way people get tongue tied when trying to explain. This is that love, That love that has the heartbroken say is the worst. This is the love that I'll keep forever or break me jut leaving me broken, forever. Either way, I'm taking that risk. Signed, ThoseMeaningfulWords. VH.